You've gotta love Ogden Nash!

Anyone celebrating their 50th anniversary or higher nowadays is becoming a rarity. I think too many people "try" marriage and if it doesn’t work, it's real easy to get a divorce.

Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront.

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If they have children, it becomes a much tougher predicament. Thank you for your comment!

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Oct 2Liked by René Volpi

It took me many years to understand but there are many who simply don't know what love is. And then, there are many who find out after some years, that their partner isn't who they thought they were. I learned some of this many years after my marriage, more even as I age but I only needed one marriage to get to this point. I don't know how we should change lifestyles to respect this but children come first.

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During my adolescence, I saw the absolute worst in marriages. Selfish, dysfunctional, nasty. Thankfully though I have myself been married to my absolute love for almost 20 years now. So I see both sides, but I do believe marriage is ideal for children, even when the marriage is less than ideal itself.

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Glad to hear you have met your ideal match, Lara. Wish you guys the very best!

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