Sep 22Liked by René Volpi

I’m not English, but I’d agree!👍🏻

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Sep 23Liked by René Volpi

Waters may have been thinking of Thoreau's statement that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

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Mmm... That's interesting.

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They're almost Russian in a lot of ways

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Mmm ..Old school Russian or the new generation?

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1800s, in their noble manner of quiet suffering

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Annnd here we go with the song. Great. Why is my brain like this????

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I wouldn't complain. It happens with the best of brains. 🤗

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My mother was like that. I found it frustrating. She "suffered in silence" and was the epitome of the stiff upper lip. I guess I was not/am not typically English in that respect. I wanted to DO something!

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Yes. Some habits and cultures tend to stick to the "ways things always been".

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However, so often it ends in...nothing. My mother was a very private person, which I respected, but I always feel that her silence did not help her to navigate life more easily. Which makes me sad.

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Like the character on "Killing Eve" perhaps? Typical English, but set in modern times. Saw it on Netflix quite a while back but even when her son allegedly committed suicide, she remained calm and collected. Her name escapes me at the moment.

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Yes, I saw that... My mother would have reacted that way too. My father was completely the opposite - quite emotional, a bundle of empathy. I often felt my mother and I lived on different planets, isn't that sad.

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Sep 22Liked by René Volpi

Quiet desperation and I are having a battle royal today. Putting on some rain gear and walking the shore 🌊

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Yes! When in doubt, head to the coast. 🤗

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Sep 22Liked by René Volpi

Thank you 😊 Fortunate to live across the street as I need the coast often!

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I remember creating a literary arts magazine with my class and another teacher, who was a very fine educator, but a little dour, also creating the same kind of magazine with his class and calling it, "Lives of Quiet Desperation." It bothered me terribly, not because everyone doesn't face desperation at different times in their lives, but you want to help students become problem solvers, so there is less need to be desperate.

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When I was in educational facilities, stress followed me daily. There was no escape from it, so it became a way of life.

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Great line. Cribbed from Henry D. Thoreau, if I remember correctly.

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maybe Roger Waters picked up a book while he was mastering the electric bass, lol…

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“the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” … Henry David Thoreau

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