May 24Liked by Rene Volpi

“Life is so generous with riches for your eyes to discover; boredom is a crime you commit against yourself.”

Well said Rene!

I love learning. I don’t often focus on the opportunities that have come out of the months which gave me extra time to learn more about the area’s I love or from the situations that “forced” me to educate myself so I could apply the information to immediate needs of myself or others…

I suppose if I had desired to I could have several extra degree’s to fall back on, because I educate myself… but school wouldn’t have allowed me the freedom to help others along the way and would have kept me in one box. Such a delightful way to look at it- seeing it as a gift rather than a limitation, simply because it doesn’t make me money. 🙏

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Fabulous piece @Rene Volpi ! I love it and it resonates with me. Being curious and inquisitive are so necessary if you want to expand your knowledge and imagination each day! 💫💜💫

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We live in tumultuous times, so it's easy to lose our way. The more reason why we must stay the course and not distract from what's important. Wisdom, even more than knowledge, IMO. Thank you! 🌹

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Excellent piece Rene! Curiosity and imagination are everything! I loved all you wrote and the quotes! Life is a blessing. Thank you for this. ox

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It is wonder-full to keep learning and appreciating new things.

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You got it. 🙌

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In a writing group founded in Cincinnati, Ohio called Women Writing For (a) Change, we offered read-backs from an author’s piece as having been notable.

“We should help our brain achieve what it needs, not ignore it or sabotage it.”

We constantly overlook the immense opportunity to do exactly that: mold the language moving through the mind. It’s an extraordinary opportunity to engender thoughts (and creativity) of value while simultaneously replacing the useless feed tied to the past or the future.

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How great! Good for you, ladies! Onwards and Godspeed. 🌹🎩✌️

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this validated me in so many ways— i appreciate you 🫶🏻

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Do you think we have forgotten how to be curious? It feels to me that so often I/we get stuck in what we know or think we know rather than curious about what we could learn. Years ago a mentor introduced the phrase "learning, growth, like". It was meant that learning leads to growth, leads to life". In each moment, in each scene what does it have to teach? Leave everything you know behind in service of what can be learned. Noticing, inside and out becomes a sort of superpower for learning. In a sense, each moment and your life becomes a meditation.

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Your photo caught my eye and I, too, would have snapped a shot of it for future use! Well done. To be inquisitive is everything, indeed, and it is getting lost or even worse can be considered impudent! So crazy. I ask question after question and then I listen and learn. NO AI.


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Instant gratification compared and contrasted to curiosity! Reading this puts the creative process in some order, thank you! I am curious to know how you decided on the order of beginnings? The Beginnings. Why this particular order?

To be self-taught, you’d need some essential elements.

1 Loving the subject

2 Curiosity

3 Discipline

4 Commitment

5 Exercise and practice.

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Beautiful celebration of what I love most! Thank you, Rene! 🙏🏽🤍

I was told as a child I was observant. It’s my favourite thing to do. Watch, and listen. Years later, as photographer and writer, it still is. Well, that and a few other things. 😊

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