Beautiful story, Rene.This is both heroic and beautiful. Your fox rescue brought tears of gratitude to my 66-year-old eyes.


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Glad you liked it, Perry! 💯

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Oh, what a story. I absolutely adored this. Foxes are such magical animals. There is a family of them living outside our building, and we love following their lives.

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Thank you, Sascha! They never disappoint. 🌱

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May 22Liked by Rene Volpi

I’ve spent days observing Fox pups, we have several big dogs so I hesitate to encourage feral animals from nesting on our property. The dogs have decimated a number of infant rabbits and it’s too stressful. They are just being dogs. It’s in their nature to hunt. We have more snakes this year so far but they’re harmless to us or pets and helpful in controlling rodents. Mice are a constant headache as well as ants. Much of America will experience a rare concurrent emergence of two different cicadas. We get cicadas here but this bumper crop of both isn’t expected in our area. They are actually genetically connected to shell fish. Not crazy about insects but they are a necessary component in keeping balance in nature.

It’s funny that you have “conversations” with animals. I talk to them for real but wonder what they really think of it.

Anyway, hope your spring is lovely.

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Yes. Just yesterday I read an important article about how we shouldn't be concerned with the cicada decade cycle of convergence. There's nothing to worry about as they don't bite or pose any danger to humans. It's a natural cycle and will be over quickly just like it started. But I do feel terrible for the baby rabbits!

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May 22Liked by Rene Volpi

Interesting …🧐 Thank you for the “cicada information” —I hope I don’t see a bunch. I’m not too happy when I do. But I suppose it’s a necessity.

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Thank you for your wonderful wishes! ❤️

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May 22Liked by Rene Volpi

Oh my gosh I had to skip to the end to make sure it turned out alright. Well written, harrowing story. Thank you for being one of the good humans in the world. 🌍

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Hahaha. I suppose a lot a good people do the same in anticipation. Thank you for reading, Meghan!

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I absolutely love this story! Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it! The story is full of personality, with Rocky's demands and the narrator's reactions creating a entertaining dynamic.

I have seen three foxes in my life. I am 70 years old and I have traveled around the world. The time I saw them was in 2017. first time was there a quart in a park near the side of the road. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I did a double take. The next time was at a friends house in the foothills when I called Fox came to the glass window and looked inside. The third time was driving through the foothills near our home and seeing a beautiful red fox cross through an charming neighborhood. it was on KC made of a fairytale.

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Wow! Not a bad record at all, then. Beautiful creatures and so playful when they trust. Thank you for your lovely comment, Charlotte! Much appreciated. 🙏

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May 20Liked by Rene Volpi

Such a beautiful story 💙🐾🦊

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Hey, Joyce! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it. ✌️🌱

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May 20Liked by Rene Volpi

Love it!

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May 20Liked by Rene Volpi

A charming, heroic tale!

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Oh, you enjoyed it? I'm so glad, Rena! Thank you! 🙏

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May 20Liked by Rene Volpi

Amazing story!

Can the hole be covered over? Sounds like a wildlife death trap.

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Definitely. It was some kind of storage up to a week ago.

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May 21Liked by Rene Volpi

This reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite books I read as a kid (and again as an adult for it is not really for kids):

“Men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”

Antoine de Saint Exupery

“The Little Prince”

If you haven’t read it… well I think everyone should 😊

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Indeed. Such an amazing classic! Animal House by Orwell is another one everyone should read. Thank you for your comment!

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Animal Farm, not House, LOL

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Jun 11Liked by Rene Volpi

😆 haha

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May 22Liked by Rene Volpi

Charlottes Web is another great childrens book. I read that to my kids when they were little. Those were such golden moments; such that it made all the hardships just vanish leaving only joy for the sake of them.

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There's such magic in some children's books. Not all of them, but quite a few are so well done, they surpass genres, time and sentiment. Not to mention empathy and affection. Thank you, Maureen!

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You made my day - it truly warms my heart that you helped those little babies. God bless you and them!

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Thank you for your lovely comment, Wendy! 🌹

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Jun 1Liked by Rene Volpi

Such a heroic tale! Bravo Rene

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May 23Liked by Rene Volpi

Lovely story! Have you heard of J Allen Boone and his stories about his life with the movie dog Strongheart? If not I think you’ll like it. And he has a book called Kinship With all Life. À great book.

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What a delightful story. There’s a fox that comes through our yard at night and the screaming from it is so terrifying — it sounds like it’s tearing my cat to pieces. Fortunately it’s not. The cat runs inside with his tail all fluffed and the fox moves on. I’m told the foxes scream like that to establish territory?

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Total hero. (And loved the bartending...)

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In appreciation. Thank you so much!

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What a wonderful story. I loved the happy ending! Thank you.

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May 20Liked by Rene Volpi

A children’s book is an excellent idea! 💡 They can make the strangest wild sounds at night! (Look it up) But foxes are so cute! 🥰

Well-done; thank you for sharing! Endearingly…

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Who make those wild sounds, the children's books? 📚 😂

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May 20Liked by Rene Volpi

😂 Keep that agile sense of humor!!

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It keeps me young; proven hypothesis! 💯🤗

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